Trainer & Owner Direct

UK Horse Racing Information & Tips

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After Months of Planning…

…we’re good to go!
We now have the perfect group of owners & trainers/yard contacts in place to provide you with an absolute powerhouse of an inside information service.

This Really is a Game Changer

This is as close as you will ever get to actually being behind those closed doors of any training centre you’ve seen. This is going to bring the most sensitive info straight to your inbox.



As well as getting the info sent through, we’ve now got permission to join them on the gallops & watch some of the private work.


We will be in constant contact. But that doesn’t mean bets every day, we’re still sticking by our motto we’ve used since day one “Quality over quantity” & that won’t change ever! 


We’ve always had contacts at various yards, or at least close to. But this new arrangement is huge in comparasion to anything else we’ve ever had in place. This is a game-changer.


The perfect relationship has now been formed that will bring us all the ultimate info from the very heart of the industry

The Only Service Any Racing Fan Will Need 

We expect this to be the most profitable venture we’ve ever put in place. We are able to be that confident beciase of the amount of time, effort, miles, phone calls & meetings it’s taken to finally get the green light. And the faces we have involved. This really is going to be a very profitable powerhouse of top class info.

Client Testimonials

We’ve been sending this information to 6 members for the past 2 months.
It was sent free of charge so we could get their unbiased & honest opinions to use for this launch. They recieved no incentives to review, just the info itself.
We received 4 reviews back, they remain untouched & are exactly as we received.

Chris A

Pretty impressive, two losers at the beginning which made me sceptical, but then the winners came. Highlight for me was 25/1 winner at Hexham. I will definitely be paying once available.


I was sent 22 horses in the two month review period & had 17 winners which is 77% strike rate if my maths is correct.
Showed very good profit overall

Trevor P

This is the sort of info I always look to get. I was very impressed over the 2 months. I have no idea how much it’s going to be when a paid service but I will be rtainly be interested in continuing receiving these.

Edwin R

Yeh, impressive tbf aways nice to get free & I can honestly say the two months have been profitable. I doubled my stake after month one. I received 15 bets in the first month & 7 in the next which suited me perfectly actually as I don’t want bets every day.

Oakley Dancer WON 9/2

Conquistador WON 6/1

Hidden Cargo WON 25/1

Memphisto WON 13/2

Jamie Bond WON 5/2

The Nu Form Way WON 11/2


The past two months have seen us receive 22 horses to bet. Out of those 22, 17 won.
That’s a very impressive 77.27% strike rate.
Although we’re not ones to take much notice of SR as it’s profit that’s important, we are impressed with that & even more so as the odds available have been decent too, with the shortest being 5/2.
We will not be getting involved with or advising anything too short & definitely never odds-on.


We’re ready to launch this very soon. We’ve been impressed, we think it’s fair to say the members that reviewed it we’re impressed & now it’s time for you to be impressed too.
Please take a moment to check out the early bird prices we’ve sorted for you below.
The earlier you get in, the more you’ll save.

Choose your plan

We are only offering one option at the moment & that is for a 3 month period.
There is no subscription attached, we will simply contact you near to the end of the 3 months & offer you an offer price to renew.
We don’t need to tie you in to a subscription because we know how strong this info is.
We’re more than confident you’ll want to come back off your own back.

3 Months of Solid Profit Ahead

All of us here are so excited to finally be able to bring this service to you & every single one of us are 100% certain this is going to be the biggest, best & most profitable service EVER launched under the 4TP banner.
We really hope you are in a postion to be part of it from the beginning. We already know how strong this information has been & will continue to be. This is definitely a service you can join with full confidence your betting bank is going to grow & grow & after the initial 3 months we know you’ll want more.
That’s why we don’t need to make it an ongoing subscription.
If you do have any further questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch & we will do our best to get back to you asap.